Netflix’s Queer Eye Experiences the Natural Lifemanship Approach

Netflix’s Queer Eye Experiences the Natural Lifemanship Approach

Recently, I was watching the inspiring Netflix series Queer Eye, a heartwarming reality show that focuses on supporting people in reconnecting with themselves. This year Queer Eye filmed in my hometown, Austin Texas!  Double joy!  

Not only did I get to see humans being good to humans, but they were my dear Austin humans! 

Imagine my excitement when on episode 7, “Snow White in Central Texas”, the Queer Eye team introduced us to an incredibly selfless woman named Jaime who runs an animal rescue, “Safe in Austin” – and lo and behold, one of the wonderful opportunities presented to her in the episode was a chance to participate in Equine Assisted Learning with a Natural Lifemanship trained professional!  Let me explain.

About the cast of Queer Eye

On Queer Eye there are five cast members, each responsible for a different aspect of the makeover process.  One of the cast members, Karamo Brown, a former social worker, always helps the guest of honor get in touch with the emotional aspects of the makeover.  

In this episode, Karamo took Jaime to a resort called Miraval, for rest and relaxation, as well as an equine experience with the talented Leigh Wright! Leigh has been learning with Natural Lifemanship since 2019 and her understanding of our approach is made clear in her facilitation of Jaime’s session.

A quick recap of what Natural Lifemanship does

At NL, we teach professionals a principle-based approach to Equine Assisted Services, based on the science of relationships, that can be integrated into their work with clients.

At the beginning of her session, Jaime was introduced to several horses and encouraged to feel into choosing which horse she wanted to work with. This is an approach NL advocates for, as it allows a real connection to begin to unfold between horse and human that is fully of their own making.  Rather than Leigh choosing a horse for Jaime, Jaime got to experience the emotional process of choosing for herself.  

Once chosen, Jaime and her horse entered a round pen in order for both to move freely while the two got to know each other.  

Freedom of movement is so important for both the horse’s and Jaime’s regulation, as well as a part of freedom of choice – a fundamental principle of Natural Lifemanship.  

Jaime and the horse both needed to be able to move into and out of proximity of one another in order to take care of themselves, regulate, and make choices.  Jaime described how in her life she cared for everyone else, often putting herself last.  Leigh encouraged Jaime to practice “making a request”.  

What makes this unique to NL?

In Natural Lifemanship, making a request is the crux of the work.  While it is enjoyable and often soothing to be near a horse and ask for very little (except perhaps allowing petting!), it is when we decide to make a clear request that vulnerability enters the equation.  This is when we begin to really feel the sensations and emotions of what it means to be in a relationship.  

When we ask for something, we are allowing the other to have an impact on us, we are communicating a need, and have to wait for the response.  To do so, without assuming control of the whole dynamic, can feel daunting and bring up powerful feelings.  

As I watched Jaime navigate this truth for herself, I was struck by how impactful this moment can be.  Leigh offered kind and empathic support, while also observing Jaime’s difficulties to bring them into her awareness.  As they continued, Leigh also suggested that Jaime might try asking for space – using the word “detachment”.  Considering what I learned earlier in the episode about Jaime taking on the weight of the world and leaving her own care at the absolute bottom of her list – I thought this was another powerful insight from Leigh.  

Diving deeper into “connected detachment”

Jaime really did not want to ask for “detachment” – the word coined by Natural Lifemanship to describe the aspect of a relationship that requires some structure and separation, while still maintaining an internal sense of connection (rather than constant nurture and physical closeness). 

Detachment is often difficult for people (and horses!) because when we create space between us, we have to trust that our connection can still be strong.  Jaime bravely practiced this in her session, and with Leigh’s warm support, she was able to ask for space and still maintain a connection!  Confidence lit a smile on Jaime’s face afterwards!

In this small amount of time together, Jaime felt, in her body, what it meant to make a request of others and ask for space when needed – all without hurting the relationship she had begun with her horse.  It was eye-opening for her.  A beginning, of course, but a good beginning!

While Leigh has studied other models and uses her own blend of approaches, her integration of Natural Lifemanship principles into her work was a pleasure to see.  

Way to go, Leigh!!! 

You can integrate the NL approach into your life and practice

What we teach at NL is not a specific series of techniques or activities or interventions. Learning Natural Lifemanship means learning principles and the science of relationships so that you can integrate it into your practice in the way that best serves you and your clients.

Want to learn more about Natural Lifemanship and the principles used in Queer Eye? We would love to connect with you!  Registration for the Fundamentals of Natural Lifemanship opens soon!

Thank you, Leigh, for your poignant demonstration of an Equine Assisted Learning session!

Thank you, Queer Eye, for bringing the power of Equine Assisted Activities to the public!


Want to support the incredible work of Safe in Austin?

Please visit their donations page.

Paving a Path to Embodiment

Paving a Path to Embodiment

                    “Walk the walk, don’t just talk the talk”

“Practice what you preach”                                       

“Say what you mean and mean what you say”

                                                                      “Actions speak louder than words” 

“Put your money where your mouth is”


Idioms about the importance of being congruent in both speech and behavior abound.  

Our spoken words, no matter how sincerely we mean them, become untrustworthy when they are not supported by our actions.  

Similarly, our actions feel incongruent and insincere when they are not consistent with our intention and motives.  We have all been on the receiving end of an interaction that appeared or seemed intended to be helpful or friendly, but instead felt empty at best and manipulative or exploitative at worst.  Both our actions and our words, no matter how well intentioned, can leave us feeling confused and disconnected from each other if they are not congruent with our internal state of being, and can result in relational rupture.

Embodiment Defined 

Webster’s Dictionary defines the word “embody” in this way: to be an expression of or give a tangible or visible form to (an idea, quality, or feeling).  

Embodiment entails a sense of internalizing and integrating a way of being in the world that moves beyond our way of doing or behaving.  Beyond acting as guidelines for behavior, embodied principles and beliefs become woven into the fabric of our identity and sense of self, and flow naturally into the ways in which we connect with self and others, both human and animal, and the larger world, including nature and our conceptualization of the divine.  

We can sense the difference when someone is “acting kind” as opposed to “being kind.”  Kind acts can be done for a variety of both honorable or self-serving motives. However, experiencing true kindness from someone who embodies the truth of their character in serving and caring for others because this is who they are engages our limbic system in an entirely different way and offers a rich relational opportunity for connection on a level so deep and healing that it is felt at a cellular level.  

This kind of connection requires genuine presence, being in this moment and being with yourself and the one who is in front of you. We try in various ways to derive “being” from “doing,” but “doing” actually flows from our “being.”  

WHO we are shows up in WHAT we do and HOW we do it.  


A society of task managers

In our task-focused, accomplishment-driven society, our obsession with productivity and output leaves little room for the rich, satisfying, deeply healing experiences of connection that are only possible when we slow down and focus our complete attention on this interaction at this moment with this being, whether horse or human.  

When I work with a client in the round pen who is asking for their horse’s attention while preoccupied with the outcome, so focused on the task of getting the horse to look at them, or turn and walk to them that they have reduced the interaction to a project whose success is measured by achieving a certain behavior, the principle of embodied connection is completely lost in the transactional nature of this exchange.  

When the client shifts to a more genuine, present state, connecting with their deep longing to be seen and felt and valued, and sees and feels and values their horse as well, the change in energy is palpable.  The quality and depth of the connection available in this type of relational exchange defies language, as it is felt on a somatic level between the two as an energetic exchange.

Embodiment requires breathing and processing space. . .

 As a trauma survivor, I learned to “behave” appropriately in relational interactions by accurately assessing expectations and how to meet them in order to avoid rejection and abandonment.  When I was first introduced to the Natural Lifemanship model of Trauma Focused Equine Assisted Psychotherapy, I approached it the way I did everything I wanted to learn about: in a cognitive manner.  I studied the model, memorized the principles and then practiced applying them in the round pen with horses in a task-focused, outcome driven way.  

It soon became clear to me that I could ask a horse to attach and detach from me without any true connection whatsoever.  I did not feel the warmth in my chest, or energetic exchange between myself and my horse that other people described when their horse connected with them.  I spent hours in the round pen practicing making requests for interaction and felt despair about ever moving beyond the behavioral stage of it “looking right” without it ever “feeling right.”

Then I took the Natural Lifemanship Intensive Training, which focuses even more on embodying the relational principles of this model.  I learned that the healing work we do with humans and horses is a way of “being” in the world, not only a way of  “doing.”  Embodiment requires breathing and processing space, which is why Natural Lifemanship trainings are designed in a combined video and live learning format that offers not only plenty of time to learn and master essential principles but also skilled and knowledgeable instructors to guide your learning by giving personalized feedback on the specific ways to practice these principles.  

To read more about my experiences early on with Natural Lifemanship read here.

The secret to success

Malcolm Gladwell popularized the “10,000 hour rule” in his book, Outliers, based on a research study that found it takes about 10,000 hours of intensive practice to achieve mastery of complex skills and materials like playing the violin or learning computer programming.  A surprising nuance in this discovery revealed that it is not simply the amount of hours spent practicing but how you practice and who guides you in deciding what to focus on during that practice time that determines the level of success achieved.  This idea of “deliberate practice” under the guidance of a skilled teacher who is able to assess each student individually and outline specific steps to help them improve then tailors the time spent to focus on what would be most helpful for that student’s growth and development.  

How you use your practice time and who guides you is what matters most.  

I spent hours in the round pen doing the same thing over and over, getting the same results, until I received the personalized attention and guidance I specifically needed to let go of my task driven focus and learned to embrace and embody the principles and nuances of true, heart-felt connection.  I discovered the power of presence from trainers who embodied this with and for me so I could hone in on what was missing in my learning and start practicing in a way that actually led to transformational change. 

How the NL Intensive training can help you embody connection

The Intensive Training is set up to enhance your learning with guidance and support specifically tailored to the areas you want and need to grow.  It helped me refine my understanding of connection in relationship and led to powerful shifts in my perspective on my relationship with self and others, both horse and human.  

This is a powerful opportunity to take the next step in your journey of personal and professional growth!

Practice Embodied Connection at Home

To practice feeling a sense of embodiment through connection, try taking a walk with a trusted person.  Orient to your environment and do some mindfulness and grounding to become fully present in your body as you walk beside each other.  Then start to notice if you can fall “in sync” with your partner, matching their stride by sensing their movement without looking at them.  

Take turns lengthening your stride, speeding up and slowing down, and changing direction.  Can you feel these shifts without looking at your partner’s legs or body with your eyes?  Can you sense the energetic exchange between the two of you as you become entrained in your motion and your connection deepens through this rhythmic shared movement?  Be playful with it!  You can also try this with your horse or dog.

Want to learn more?  Attend our upcoming webinar on embodiment and sign up for the Natural Lifemanship Intensive Training!  Keep growing and learning with us.  

We look forward to seeing you!

The Three Kinds of Grief

The Three Kinds of Grief

For Annie 

Outside my window, I hear Abilene take three deep horse breaths. She is sunning her mud-caked body at the very spot where Annie stood 48 hours ago experiencing the discomfort of the unknown ailment to which she succumbed hours later. The story of that day replays vividly in my mind, although that is not the story I wish to tell right now. She died in the trailer on the way to the vet, and this story begins once Tim and I brought her body back to my place to rest in the trailer overnight so that Abilene could say her goodbyes.


The night Annie passed we got a good amount of rain. Abilene stayed with Annie’s body at the trailer for much of the night it seems. My housemate and I went out several times to check on her throughout the night, and she was always by the trailer. Sometimes poking her nose in and sniffing Annie, sometimes standing a few feet away attentively looking at her still body. Sometimes when we would walk up in the pitch black night, she would quickly come up to us only to turn away and return to the trailer once recognizing that we were not Annie.


That night the pain and shock of Annie’s passing was all consuming. It surrounded me even as it swallowed me from within. It poured forth from my body as though the very ground of being opened up beneath me and gravity took care of the rest. I now rest on a subterranean ledge quite a bit further down, getting my bearings. I’m so thankful for Abilene – for her presence in this space we share.


Grief, I’m noticing, has different textures. There is the resounding, thunderous experience of loss – immediate, vibratory – much like being suspended in the hollow of a drum as it’s forcefully struck. All that exists is the vibration, and it plays you through and through. In this texture of grief my body experiences only the loss – the pain of separation – the awareness of absence. Nothing else exists. This was my immediate experience. There was no way to talk or even think in the clamor. There were some escape hatches I could see in the haze of the moment – the illusory promise of distractions of various sorts – but I fell for none of them. Didn’t want to be distracted because this now is my experience of Annie. Even an experience of her acute and sudden absence, painful and overwhelming as it is, is better than no experience. This is grief number one. Raw, immediate, kinetic.


And then there is the pain of memory. It has a different quality and it lives in a different place. It’s less like a sound and vibration, and more like a storyboard. It is a string of images – snapshots tied to my heart, which tugs them like kites as it softens and constricts, softens and constricts. Images of Annie and the memory of her warm, sweet breath, her head on my shoulder, her neck stretching up so that I could scratch under her chin, her asking for butt rubs, her curiosity and gentleness and sometimes impatience, especially at mealtime. These images swell up in waves of moans and tears – stuck in the throat and then bubbling out of the silence. This is the pain of the past. The pain of remembering. The pain of the stories we compose and relive, again and again. I am deeply thankful that Abilene, at least I assume, does not have to experience this kind of grief. I’m pretty sure it’s mostly the first kind she experiences, but I guess I don’t really know.


Finally, there’s a third kind – closely related to the second. It’s future grief. Future grief is like past grief but instead of being triggered by memories or images of what was, it is prompted by the discovery and the rediscovery of what-will-no-longer-be, or variably, of what-could-have-been had past events unfolded differently. Expectations and hopes do not come with expiration dates. And yet, they expire. Just like that. Hope has an open quality and when it expires due to loss, it produces a grief for the un-lived future. This is experienced in the eyes and the face, wrinkling with tension as though straining toward a distant horizon in which one finds no trace or shadow of the departed.


I guess future grief is the most lonely kind of grief. Past grief isn’t lonely because I will always have the memories of the time and space and connection Annie and I actually, physically shared. There is a fullness there. Present grief is more fluid. The vibration of loss is not always present. It gives way to other connections in the here and now. The thunderous, wordless kind of loss – the grief of the present – overtakes you but flows right on past so long as you don’t resist it or avoid it. Thankfully, the present is the present.


One must make a conscious choice to stay with the grief of the present and to honor the grief of the past – the grief of the “what is” transfiguring into the “what was”. It is worthy of enshrining. Annie lives in a golden place within my heart. This is that enduring sense of connection with detachment. She is not physically here but she lives very much alive within me. I will treasure this. Visit this place daily. Allow the waves of this type of grief to swell and crash in my heart without resistance. I think the best offering we can place on this altar is gratitude.


Gratitude is protective against the rages of the one kind of grief we must choose to let go – and that is the grief of the future. This kind of grief can keep us stuck. We cannot fully live without hope. Nor can we live fully if we dwell in a world of what-ifs. Hopelessness is a kind of suicide. Of course, we experience it at times but we mustn’t enshrine it, or revisit it too often, I think. It’s like a riptide or quicksand. If we find ourselves in it, we’ve gotta get out. Friends, present connections, mindfulness of the present, and meaningful, intentional gratitude – these keep us from drowning and perishing in the grief of the un-lived future.


I’m thankful for my wonderful, supportive friends, both two-legged and four-legged. I’m thankful for the Christmas break and the time to digest and metabolize this trauma. I’m thankful for dear, sweet, resilient Abilene, who is already teaching me so much about what it means to “surthrive”. And I’m so, so very thankful for Annie, who blessed me in countless ways with her beautiful presence in my life for over a year, over two actually. I am where I am because of her.

The Three Kinds of Grief Video


I’ve been spending a lot of time with Abilene the past couple days. This evening just before sunset I found her in the front standing on the exact spot where the trailer had been parked. She saw me coming and walked toward me. I sat with her under the cedar tree where she and Annie liked to sleep. We silently stayed there, gazing out toward that spot and taking in all that remains. I wonder if Abilene sensed Annie’s presence as I did, ever so lightly.


Thank you sweet girl. I miss you so much. My heart is yours. May you run free in the green pasture of my heart, always.


Interested in learning more from Laura?


Laura shared this blog at the start of our 2021 conference in a workshop called The Somatic Experience of Grief and Love.  Check out the conference replays here.  


She will also be teaching an upcoming workshop called Where Feet May Fail:  Finding Connection in the Dark Night of the Soul.  


The conference replays act as a stepping stone into ongoing workshops and powerful conversations centered around life, love, loss, and death. They will equip you with the tools for finding light in the darkest of times. 


Join us as we journey through conversations centered around love and loss (of all kinds), and participate in “Grief, Love, and Life”, a series of experiential workshops that will take place throughout the rest of the year. 


Each workshop is designed to build upon your foundational experience from the recorded conversations.  Learn more here!  We look forward to walking this path with you!



The Twinship of Grief and Love

The Twinship of Grief and Love

By Bettina Shultz-Jobe and Kathleen Choe


 Love, where it ever existed before, doesn’t cease to exist. To speak of love in the past tense is not to know love at all. Love goes on, being always a continuation and an extension of love. Your grief is but the continuation of the love you once experienced, and will always experience. Grief is another name for Love.  (Jennifer Williamson)


Western culture has always had a very uneasy relationship with grief.  Where other cultures and ethnic groups have integrated the inevitability of loss into the fabric of their society, providing structure and support for a grieving process, in the West we are given but weeks to attend to the emotions and details of the loss, such as planning and attending the funeral if a death was involved, and then encouraged to “move on,” whatever that entails, depending on what it is that you have actually lost (a relationship, home, job, person, or pet, for example).  When losing a loved one, this may look like planning and attending a funeral with the minimal bereavement time allotted by your employer. When losing a home or job, this may look like encouraging words from well meaning family and friends that typically end with, “it’s time to move on.”


The COVID 19 pandemic afforded us many opportunities to experience grief. These included routines and activities we were accustomed to, like our gym workout, dining out, popcorn and a good laugh or cry at the movie theater, hugging friends and family, and attending live events like church, school, work, concerts and other outings that we used to take for granted.  Amidst toilet paper, mask and laundry soap shortages, other things were also in short supply: concise, trustworthy information and reliable leadership.  We became fearful of the future, and even each other.  Breathing the air and touching each other became potentially dangerous. Many of us lost loved ones.  Some of us lost livelihoods, a sustainable income, our health or our home. We all lost a sense of safety and security.  


We are now emerging from a time of uncertainty and upheaval in different ways depending upon our particular experience of the pandemic, and need to develop fresh pathways to engage in the necessary grief process of adjusting to “a new normal.”


According to Stephen Jenkinson, Creator and Principle Instructor of the Orphan Wisdom School, (and keynote speaker at our conference this year!!)  grief is “a way of loving that which has slipped from view, and love is a way of grieving that which has not yet done so.” He believes that grief is not a feeling, but a state of being that holds true throughout our lifetime, and that we must become “practitioners of grief” in order to truly participate in the experience of deeply loving another. 


Grief acknowledges the impermanence of love, a recognition of its temporariness:  the baby we are rocking and holding today becomes the adolescent who rebuffs a hug, a beloved canine companion on our daily walks becomes crippled with arthritis and lies on his bed watching us lace up our shoes to go without him, a long awaited trip ends in a series of photographs that barely do it justice, a loved one’s spirit nestles in our heart rather than on the couch as a physical body next to us at the end of the day. 


Grief does not necessarily need to be a traumatic experience, but becomes so when experienced in isolation, without understanding and support in the context of connected relationships.  


Grief becomes embodied as trauma when we walk its path alone.  


Jenkins asserts that if your love includes another being, grief is part of love.  They are twins that reveal each other, two sides of the same precious coin. One does not and cannot exist without the other.  Just as we need other beings to experience love, we also need other beings to help us navigate grief.  He concludes:  “You don’t get invited to many parties if you become a practitioner of grief, but your understanding of love is renovated for all time.”


In the upcoming virtual Natural Lifemanship Conference,  A Natural Life:  Love and Grief are Connected, a community of helpers and healers from all over the world will provide us with many rich opportunities to become better practitioners of the inevitable intertwined experiences of love and grief that accompany us on our life’s journey.


Those who participate in this conference will embark on a  journey that we have carefully and artfully designed.  Each presentation will prepare you for the next as the conference culminates in a very special community Rite of Passage to honor change with ceremonialist Katie Asmus.  It is our intention to create a sacred space for you to navigate the challenging road of grief while experiencing the vast love that is, indeed, grief’s twin.


Our upcoming conference was purposefully designed to give you the education and the experience needed as you travel the path upon which you hope to accompany your clients.


Grief, love, and life is a journey to be walked in the company of others. 


Please join us.

Register Now



A Playlist for Rhythm and Regulation

A Playlist for Rhythm and Regulation

By Bettina Shultz-Jobe and Kate Naylor


We know that Interconnected 2020 will take place online. 

We also know that too many hours spent online without a break could cause serious mental fatigue. 

So, we put together this playlist of videos and resources to give your mind and body the rhythm and connection needed to regulate and learn. They are intended to be watched as “Brain Breaks” during the conference—to ensure the conference experience is rejuvenating and FUN.


Still need a ticket to the conference? Get it now!

Get Tickets


This playlist was carefully chosen to deepen your experience at Interconnected 2020. 


All of these things bring us rhythm––visual and auditory rhythm, specifically––which helps to regulate, organize, and integrate the entire brain. These videos are intended to regulate the most lower regions of the brain so that our brain and body can connect with self and others and are capable of concrete and abstract learning and thought.  With so many options you can “choose your flavor” – we hope you enjoy!

The Aviators by Helen Jane Long

Deep Breathing Shapes Animation 

Rapping Dr. Seuss

Drumming flash mob

Bob Ross painting

Relaxing music and underwater scenes

Virtual Nature Walk

Newsies live on the New York Streets

Wheel Dance

Tongue Drum Binaural Beats

Idina Menzel “Defying Gravity” 

“True Colors” by Camden Voices choir

Evolution of Dance video

Lord of the Dance, Michael Flatly

Anna Kendrick “Cups”

Family Lockdown Boogie

Funky American Woodcock

Virtual Train Ride

Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, distance symphony

Acapella “I wanna dance with somebody”

OK GO “This Too Shall Pass” music video 

Frozen II “Show Yourself”

Redwood National Forest Virtual Hike

Buddhist Monk, The Beatles “Yellow Submarine” 

Jimmy Fallon, found sound, “Don’t Stand So Close to Me”

Hania Rani on the shores of Iceland

Anderson Paak “Don’t Slack” music video

“The Rhythm of the Horse” by Thomas Newman

Frozen II “The Next Right Thing”

Proposal flash mob 

Crackling fireplace

Natural scenery and sounds

OK GO “I won’t let you down”


Rain Drums


We hope that this playlist sets the stage for your inner healing and the deep connections you will build at Interconnected 2020.


Still need a ticket to the conference? Get it now!

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Crisis….or Chaos?

Crisis….or Chaos?

Dear NL Community,

Is it just me, or is this whole pandemic lasting FOREVER???  Did anyone ever dream we would still be in the thick of it…..STILL?  I sure didn’t.  Clearly that was wishful thinking.


The other day, some of the NL staff was once again checking in on each other (via zoom) – How is everyone feeling these days? How is everyone managing? What are you thinking about/worrying about/afraid of?  Many of us acknowledged we were having a pretty tough time. 


The added stress of school uncertainty this fall has only deepened the anxiety we are all feeling.  Some days are good, many are not so good, but the challenges we are facing this year just seem to continue with a consistency that makes our usual coping methods feel less effective than usual.


What is a Crisis?

The topic of crisis came up as we explored not only our own feelings but also the possible feelings and experiences of our valued NL community and beyond.  Bettina remembered a story shared with her from one of our trainers – of Hurricane Harvey that devastated Houston and surrounding areas.  The hurricane was predicted, albeit imperfectly, but at least a warning came.  The storm arrived and was intense, but eventually, it passed, as everyone knew it would. 


Even though the waters rose and wreaked astonishing destruction, we all knew the rains would come to end – a storm cannot last forever. Many people’s homes, including the one belonging to our NL trainer, were flooded or completely destroyed.  But not all homes were flooded.  Not everyone was devastated. 


And so, the Houston community rallied, neighbors showed up, and rebuilding began.  While the process was overwhelming, there was an end in sight.  There were enough people who weathered the storm well enough to have energy and resources to give to others..  Homes could be rebuilt, neighbors helped neighbors….hope bubbled up.


This was a crisis.  A devastating event with a beginning, a middle, and an end.   There is some predictability, even in a hurricane.  It will come and it will go – some will need enormous help to recover, and some will be spared so that they may be the help that arrives.


This pandemic, though, does not feel like a crisis.  This pandemic feels like chaos.


Its arrival was not predicted, we were given no warning, no time to prepare.  We were in shock and denial. The understanding of what is going on, how it is unfolding, and how we should respond has also been chaotic, disorienting, and upsetting. 


And now we are heading into the 7th month, with the pandemic still permeating our country.  We are suffering unimaginable losses.  We are uncertain about pretty much everything – who we should listen to, who we should be around, how we should move forward.  The end of this pandemic is coming, of course – but how it will unfold is entirely murky.  When? How? Leaving what destruction in its wake?


Dear NL community, we are in chaos – the beginning, middle, and end of this pandemic are distorted and prolonged and therefore mostly out of our tangible grasp. 


It is NO wonder that we are panicked, argumentative, afraid, sleepless, short-tempered, overwhelmed, shutting down, and completely exhausted.  The helpers and healers in this country are doubly-burdened – not only do we manage our own lives during a pandemic, but we also consistently help others manage their lives during a pandemic. 


All of us are being activated into emotional states we didn’t expect, or didn’t want – and many of us are feeling stuck there. And to stay stuck in difficult emotions and reactions causes fatigue….major emotional fatigue.  Nothing about this period in our history is normal, and unlike previous national events that have challenged us, this one just keeps ongoing.


We are all tired. We are all stressed.  We are all scared.  


Why do I write to you to remind you of all the muck we are in?  Because I also want to remind you that you are not alone.  We are ALL struggling, AND I still see helping hands everywhere.  I keep seeing people bravely asking for help, and each time watching dozens of responses of “I am here, what do you need?”.  We are still all in this together, we are still neighbors, even if only virtually.  


And NL is still here for you.  


When we cannot control the chaos around us, we shift focus to the chaos inside us and to the power of relationships.  What can we control?  How can we connect with others?  How can we cultivate peace inside ourselves?  How can we find resilience in such a time of chronic stress and unpredictability? 


The relational neurosciences give us a roadmap for how we can support ourselves and each other.  We know that connection and bringing predictable rhythms into our every day can make a big difference in times of chaos.


Being part of a community, too, is powerful medicine.  We hope to continue supporting you in our online events, on social media, and anywhere else we can connect.  


Our upcoming Interconnected 2020 Conference is the perfect way to find connection, community, and both personal and professional growth. When the future is uncertain, staying grounded becomes both necessary and transformational – for each of us, as well as our clients and horses.  Join us for this experiential and highly unique online event and participate in over 75 workshops, including daily healing practices, that are trauma-informed, somatic, movement, and attachment-focused!


 NL’s Interconnected 2020 Conference – with Daily Healing Practices each AM and PM


Take good care, and keep reaching out,

Kate Naylor, LMFT, NLC – C,EP

The Natural Lifemanship Institute

Director of Trainer Development and Community Engagement


If you are seeking support, here are some other resources that might help:

Building Your Resilience series for self-care (with choose what you pay options!)

Tips for Bringing Rhythm into Your Daily Life

Check out other NL blogs we have recently released for you

Best Apps for Mindfulness

Deep Breathing Animation – simply watch and follow along!

Find a Sit Spot (great for kids too!)