
Natural Lifemanship

What if Horses Could Control Themselves?

What if Horses Could Control Themselves?

Our Co-Founder, Tim Jobe, recently spoke with the Horses & Humans Research Foundation about healing, consent, attunement, and so much more.
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The Journey of True Mastery

The Journey of True Mastery

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NL Member Spotlight: Beth Burgmeyer

NL Member Spotlight: Beth Burgmeyer

Each month, we take a moment to recognize one of our members who’s made an impact in our beloved community....
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Brave Spaces

Brave Spaces

Co-authored by Rebecca J. Hubbard & Reccia Jobe with Pecan Creek Ranch Creating a safe place for clients to feel comfortable being...
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NL Member Spotlight: Christina Strayer

NL Member Spotlight: Christina Strayer

Each month, we take a moment to recognize one of our members who’s made an impact in our beloved community....
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Do-Overs: Building new pathways in the brain by intentionally practicing something different

Do-Overs: Building new pathways in the brain by intentionally practicing something different

What is a do-over? A do-over is a chance to correct a behavior, thought, or belief that interferes with the...
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The 5 Steps for Repair in a Relationship

The 5 Steps for Repair in a Relationship

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Building Strong Connections through Rupture and Repair

Building Strong Connections through Rupture and Repair

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NL Team Member Spotlight: Kate Naylor

NL Team Member Spotlight: Kate Naylor

“The artful balance that Kate brings to everything she does is truly something to behold.  Whether she is teaching, facilitating,...
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Work is Always Going to Feel Like Work

Work is Always Going to Feel Like Work

There's this popular saying that goes like this: Find what you love to do, and you'll never work a day...
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Developing Secure Attachment with Your Business

Developing Secure Attachment with Your Business

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What is Equine Therapy?

What is Equine Therapy?

By Kate Naylor and Bettina Shultz-Jobe “Equine therapy” is probably the most commonly used term to describe, well, just about...
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NL Team Member Spotlight: Tanner Jobe

NL Team Member Spotlight: Tanner Jobe

“Tanner’s skillset is vast.  He is detail oriented, an amazing videographer and photographer, and impressive “out of the box” thinker....
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True Healing Cannot Happen at the Expense of Another

True Healing Cannot Happen at the Expense of Another

When I was a pre-teen I was horse crazy. I had Breyer horses in my room and horse shoes with...
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NL Member Spotlight: Jacque Transmeier

NL Member Spotlight: Jacque Transmeier

Each month, we take a moment to recognize one of our members who’s made an impact in our beloved community....
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Belonging to a People and a Place

Belonging to a People and a Place

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NL Membership: A Constellation of Learning, Practice & Community

NL Membership: A Constellation of Learning, Practice & Community

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NL Team Member Spotlight: Laura McFarland

NL Team Member Spotlight: Laura McFarland

“I still have no idea how we convinced Laura to come work for NL over 8 years ago!  She is...
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These Boots are Made for Workin’

These Boots are Made for Workin’

These boots are made for workin’ and that’s just what they’ll do. . . 🎶 You can learn so much...
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Belief in Magic: The Grown-up Version

Belief in Magic: The Grown-up Version

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Something Borrowed, Something Blue

Something Borrowed, Something Blue

Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.  My sentimental heart loves this sweet little rhyme. I’m generally not superstitious,...
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Because We Were Together

Because We Were Together

In 2020 the NL team got together on Zoom for a Christmas party.  One of our trainers, Courtney White, guided...
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Sunrise Summit – The FULL Conference Schedule with Session Descriptions

Sunrise Summit – The FULL Conference Schedule with Session Descriptions

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The Top Five Questions Our Certification Students Ask

The Top Five Questions Our Certification Students Ask

By Laura McFarland and Bettina Shultz-Jobe Natural Lifemanship Certification is a journey that involves taking the Fundamentals of NL and the...
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We Are All Creators

We Are All Creators

I have a close, yet at times conflicted relationship with the creative process, as I suppose many of us do....
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Sacred Landscapes – The FULL Conference Schedule with Session Descriptions

Sacred Landscapes – The FULL Conference Schedule with Session Descriptions

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Waiting on the Drive

Waiting on the Drive

If you’re not familiar with the term Waiting on the Drive it’s probably because you have never helped gather cattle in...
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NL Member Spotlight: Sue McKinney

NL Member Spotlight: Sue McKinney

Every month, we take a moment to recognize one of our members who’s made an impact in our beloved community....
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Why Horses?

Why Horses?

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Layers Upon Layers of Learning

Layers Upon Layers of Learning

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What Services Do Your Equines Assist?

What Services Do Your Equines Assist?

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NL Trainers are at the Top of Amazon’s Best Sellers List today!

NL Trainers are at the Top of Amazon’s Best Sellers List today!

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Creating Sacred Space Through Ceremony

Creating Sacred Space Through Ceremony

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NL Member Spotlight: Larry McDaniel

NL Member Spotlight: Larry McDaniel

Each month we take a moment to recognize one of our members who’s made an impact in our beloved community....
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Sacred Landscapes: The Expanse That Can Be Seen

Sacred Landscapes: The Expanse That Can Be Seen

I have been perusing this year’s Sacred Landscapes conference schedule that is under construction, and all I can say is...
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NL Member Spotlight: Cathy Champ

NL Member Spotlight: Cathy Champ

We have an exciting new monthly feature, our Member Spotlight, where we take a moment to recognize one of our...
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What Really Matters for Good Therapy?

What Really Matters for Good Therapy?

While it can cause plenty of frustration (for both professionals, researchers, and clients alike), we find time and again that...
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Earn NBCC Continuing Education Credits through NL Trainings

Earn NBCC Continuing Education Credits through NL Trainings

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The life-changing impact of Natural Lifemanship for Sarah Willeman Doran

The life-changing impact of Natural Lifemanship for Sarah Willeman Doran

One of our dedicated Natural Lifemanship practitioners, Sarah Willeman Doran, recently authored a chapter in the new book, Integrating Horses...
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Just Released: Integrating Horses into Healing – edited by Cheryl Meola

Just Released: Integrating Horses into Healing – edited by Cheryl Meola

We are beyond thrilled to share an amazing new resource for the field edited by Cheryl Meola. We had the...
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Tim Jobe’s Story of Personal Transformation

Tim Jobe’s Story of Personal Transformation

This week, we opened registration for the NL Intensive. One of the big questions we always get from our community...
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Destruction and the Messy Business of Healing

Destruction and the Messy Business of Healing

“Every act of creation is first an act of destruction.” -Pablo Picasso       We often speak about the...
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The Impact of Rhythm in Trauma Informed Care

The Impact of Rhythm in Trauma Informed Care

By Kate Naylor and Bettina Shultz-Jobe   A heartbeat. Waves rolling in and out on a sandy beach. The rising...
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Horses & Humans Research

Horses & Humans Research

This past August I attended the 2022 HHRF research conference – a conference about horses and human research. I joined...
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Grab Hold of Miracles

Grab Hold of Miracles

So, I’m in Walmart, slowly picking up my pace among thousands of frenetic shoppers. I am already walking with a...
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What are the Natural Lifemanship Connection Kits and are they for me?

What are the Natural Lifemanship Connection Kits and are they for me?

You may have heard of the Natural Lifemanship Connection Kits and you may be wondering what, exactly, they are, what...
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Certifications in Equine Assisted Services: Comparing Apples to Oranges

Certifications in Equine Assisted Services: Comparing Apples to Oranges

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Natural Lifemanship is a Contemplative Practice

Natural Lifemanship is a Contemplative Practice

What is Contemplation? I think therefore I am……  Or is it, I am therefore I think?  If I don’t think,...
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Introducing the Jobe Treatment Ratio for Equine Assisted Services

Introducing the Jobe Treatment Ratio for Equine Assisted Services

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We are Preparing a Place for You

We are Preparing a Place for You

“We believe in the important work of Natural Lifemanship and have been coming together in prayer about how we can...
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Meet Your NL Membership Guide: Clair Gose

Meet Your NL Membership Guide: Clair Gose

Our membership circle is growing—so we found a guide to help lead the way.  Meet Clair Gose, a lifelong horse...
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Uvalde, Adverse Childhood Experiences, and the Power of Connection

Uvalde, Adverse Childhood Experiences, and the Power of Connection

How can something like this happen?   If you are anything like me, you have been wrestling with this question...
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Just Released: Nourished by Meg Kirby

Just Released: Nourished by Meg Kirby

We are so pleased to announce that our Natural Lifemanship team has been published again!  A lovely new resource is...
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Intentional Action in the Wake of Tragedy

Intentional Action in the Wake of Tragedy

By Kate Naylor and Bettina Shultz-Jobe   Natural Lifemanship is a training and mentoring institute focused on the science and...
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The Evolution of NL and What it Means for You

The Evolution of NL and What it Means for You

Natural Lifemanship® has evolved—and our new branding reflects these changes.  It is my deepest hope that these changes stir a...
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A New and Improved Membership Means a Better Prepared You

A New and Improved Membership Means a Better Prepared You

You’ve likely heard the exciting news! The Natural Lifemanship Institute has evolved its brand and is subsequently transforming to better...
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Natural Lifemanship Terminology

Natural Lifemanship Terminology

In any professional field, there are always going to be a slew of terms and acronyms that are routinely used...
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Netflix’s Queer Eye Experiences the Natural Lifemanship Approach

Netflix’s Queer Eye Experiences the Natural Lifemanship Approach

Recently, I was watching the inspiring Netflix series Queer Eye, a heartwarming reality show that focuses on supporting people in...
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Paving a Path to Embodiment

Paving a Path to Embodiment

                    “Walk the walk, don’t just talk the talk” “Practice what...
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Equine Assisted Services, Equine Assisted Therapy, Equine Assisted Learning, Equine Assisted Psychotherapy: What’s in a Name?

Equine Assisted Services, Equine Assisted Therapy, Equine Assisted Learning, Equine Assisted Psychotherapy: What’s in a Name?

“What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” And be...
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Natural Lifemanship Ethics and Beliefs Statement

Natural Lifemanship Ethics and Beliefs Statement

By Bettina Shultz-Jobe and Tim Jobe   On August 7th, 2010, Tim and I were married.  We had a sunrise...
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The Healing Power of Connection

The Healing Power of Connection

By Sarah Willeman Doran   “Being human is about being in the right kinds of relationships,” said John A. Powell,...
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In the Beginning, There was Connection. . .

In the Beginning, There was Connection. . .

By Laura McFarland The following is an excerpt from the Natural Lifemanship Manual.  Our manual is intended to serve as...
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Natural Lifemanship is Principle-Based, But What Does That Mean?

Natural Lifemanship is Principle-Based, But What Does That Mean?

By Bettina Shultz-Jobe, Tim Jobe, Kate Naylor, and Laura McFarland   The following is an excerpt from the Natural Lifemanship...
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“It is life-changing…”

“It is life-changing…”

“NL continues to be the gold standard for training in EAP and continues to show that their principles and the...
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The Three Kinds of Grief

The Three Kinds of Grief

For Annie  Outside my window, I hear Abilene take three deep horse breaths. She is sunning her mud-caked body at...
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The Unfamiliar Path We Walk Together

The Unfamiliar Path We Walk Together

Rarely do we experience collective grief that moves beyond ourselves, our families, our communities, and across oceans.   This past...
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The Twinship of Grief and Love

The Twinship of Grief and Love

By Bettina Shultz-Jobe and Kathleen Choe    “Love, where it ever existed before, doesn't cease to exist. To speak of...
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We Found a Better Way— And Are Making the Path Accessible to All

We Found a Better Way— And Are Making the Path Accessible to All

The recent global pandemic forced us to. . .   Pause.   Reflect.  Connect.  Cry a little (or a lot...
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How we talk about what we do: The need for precise and accurate terminology in our field

How we talk about what we do: The need for precise and accurate terminology in our field

In December 2020, The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine published an article entitled, "Optimal Terminology for Services in the...
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So, I’ve Taken the Fundamentals of NL. . . Now What?

So, I’ve Taken the Fundamentals of NL. . . Now What?

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Ten Things You Need to Know When Choosing an Equine Assisted Therapy and Learning Certification

Ten Things You Need to Know When Choosing an Equine Assisted Therapy and Learning Certification

By Kate Naylor and Bettina Shultz-Jobe   Jumping into the field of Equine Assisted Therapy (EAT), Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP),...
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We Are Indeed Interconnected: What People Are Saying About Interconnected 2020!

We Are Indeed Interconnected: What People Are Saying About Interconnected 2020!

Holy Schmoly, y’all!  The conference was even better than I had imagined. And my imagination is pretty darn good!  ...
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What My Nature Mandala Taught Me

What My Nature Mandala Taught Me

This year Natural Lifemanship had its first-ever virtual conference.  It was our intention to connect virtually in the same way...
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A Playlist for Rhythm and Regulation

A Playlist for Rhythm and Regulation

By Bettina Shultz-Jobe and Kate Naylor   We know that Interconnected 2020 will take place online.  We also know that...
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How to Avoid Zoom Fatigue During the Virtual Conference

How to Avoid Zoom Fatigue During the Virtual Conference

This year, our Interconnected 2020 conference will be virtual. This means that the speakers you watch and the workshops you...
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What to Expect from the Interconnected 2020 Conference

What to Expect from the Interconnected 2020 Conference

The picture you see at the top of this blog is of my husband, Tim Jobe, Frieda on the left,...
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Crisis….or Chaos?

Crisis….or Chaos?

Dear NL Community, Is it just me, or is this whole pandemic lasting FOREVER???  Did anyone ever dream we would...
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Our Inner Child

Our Inner Child

Our current world is confusing, conflicted, and chaotic, to say the least.  Images of peaceful protests marred by violence, looting,...
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What Are People Saying About Our Newest Training?

What Are People Saying About Our Newest Training?

WOW!  That is all I can say as we wrap our second cohort of the fully online Virtual Fundamentals of...
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What my Chickens Taught me about Racism

What my Chickens Taught me about Racism

By Bettina Shultz-Jobe and Kate Naylor   We at The Natural Lifemanship Institute believe deeply in the power of relationships...
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Finding the Way

Finding the Way

One of my now-favorite yoga instructors leads her students through a series of poses several times at the beginning of...
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And I thought going into quarantine was hard…

And I thought going into quarantine was hard…

Across the country, across the globe, we are starting to make decisions about “opening up” and getting back to “normal”. ...
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On Intergenerational Trauma

On Intergenerational Trauma

Kate Naylor is an LMFT, wife, mother, daughter, sister, and the NL Director of Trainer Development and Community Engagement.  This...
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Navigating the New Normal – Putting One Foot in Front of the Other

Navigating the New Normal – Putting One Foot in Front of the Other

This is a letter Michael Remole, NL trainer, recently sent to his clients.  We were touched.  We related, and we...
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On the Threshold

On the Threshold

After weeks of seeming stasis, were sheltering in place, physical distancing, online learning, working remotely, wearing masks in public, and...
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Keep Looking for the Helpers

Keep Looking for the Helpers

I recently watched the movie “A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood,” based on the true story of friendship between Fred...
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Alone… Together

Alone… Together

This past week I am struck by how many of you have told me you are feeling lonely.  Some of...
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Finding Hope During this VERY LONG Saturday

Finding Hope During this VERY LONG Saturday

Many of us are finding that we are reaching our limits with the mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and financial impact...
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We Need So Much More than Words

We Need So Much More than Words

By Kate Naylor and Bettina Shultz-Jobe   In times of great grief, anxiety, stress, or fear why does it seem...
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This Pandemic is Trauma for Us All

This Pandemic is Trauma for Us All

By Bettina Shultz-Jobe and Kate Naylor   We, at Natural Lifemanship, are seeing so many memes and posts encouraging people...
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Repairing Relationships When They’ve Gone to Pot

Repairing Relationships When They’ve Gone to Pot

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Cucumbers and Toilet Paper in an Age of Anxiety

Cucumbers and Toilet Paper in an Age of Anxiety

I think most of us are familiar with the sensation of panic: Whether it’s a brief moment of panic like...
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Defining Relationship Logic®

Defining Relationship Logic®

Sara Sherman is the founder of and a coach at Discovery Horse Our business, Discovery Horse, has been doing a...
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Qualified to Counsel

Qualified to Counsel

The horse doesn’t know who the client is!  This is precisely why those of us offering healing services in this...
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Getting to the “Root” of the Problem

Getting to the “Root” of the Problem

One of our greatest joys at The Natural Lifemanship Institute is hearing how our trainings have opened people’s eyes and...
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Is Life Great?  This Too Shall Pass

Is Life Great?  This Too Shall Pass

When I was 23 years old and life was truly grand, on a beautiful fall day in Denver, Colorado, my...
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What If Our Equine Partner Does Not Consent to the Session?

What If Our Equine Partner Does Not Consent to the Session?

  By Kathleen Choe and Tanner Jobe Recently, Tanner and I had an experience in an Equine Assisted Psychotherapy session...
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The Difference Between Having Boundaries and Setting Boundaries

The Difference Between Having Boundaries and Setting Boundaries

In this field, it is not uncommon to hear people answer the question “Why Horses?” with some variation of how...
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We’re Better Together: Development of the Field of Equine Assisted Practice

We’re Better Together: Development of the Field of Equine Assisted Practice

Lately, I have been pondering what I am calling the principle of development.  Development of an embryo.  Of an infant....
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Is There a Difference Between a Tantrum and a Meltdown?

Is There a Difference Between a Tantrum and a Meltdown?

By Kate Naylor & Bettina Shultz-Jobe A couple weeks ago, we shared this meme created by Our Mama Village about...
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Self-Sufficiency Has Met Her Match

Self-Sufficiency Has Met Her Match

In December 2017, I attended my first NL Intensive training in Brenham, TX. I’m pretty sure it was day two,...
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When Connection Fails

When Connection Fails

NL Trainer, Michael Remole, describes a time in his life when technology made him really stop and think about the intricacies of connection.
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The Ride

The Ride

The Ride, a poem about the special horse-human relationship from Kelli Adams of the Barnabas Horse Foundation.
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The Gift of Being Our Truest Selves

The Gift of Being Our Truest Selves

Natural Lifemanship training for those who wish the gift of being our truest-selves, deepen spiritual connection & help others.
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Building Connected Relationships

Building Connected Relationships

The Fundamentals of Natural Lifemanship is based on healing trauma through connected relationships
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Why Natural Lifemanship?

Why Natural Lifemanship?

After 20 years of searching, Natural Lifemanship has helped me to trust myself to confidently embrace & facilitate the horse/human connection.
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The Ride of Your Life, How Does One Get That?

The Ride of Your Life, How Does One Get That?

NL Trainer, Cindy-Skelton Hodge life-changing experience with Pete, her equine partner, at a Natural Lifemanship Rhythmic Riding Immersion training.
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Maybe Miracles Don’t Just Happen

Maybe Miracles Don’t Just Happen

Bettina ponders the nature of miracles and reflects upon the vulnerability and bravery required to take the risks a miracle demands.
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Cross Brain Connections:  What Are They Good For Anyway?

Cross Brain Connections: What Are They Good For Anyway?

Cross-brain connections literally saved my life - a personal account of how improved brain integration saved my life during a perilous personal assault
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Deification is Still Objectification

Deification is Still Objectification

Deification is still objectification- deifying horses, while seemingly kinder to the horse, still serves to objectify and demean them. There's a better way.
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My Horse is NOT My Therapist

My Horse is NOT My Therapist

My horse is NOT my therapist. An NL trainer reflects on the claims people make about horses being their therapists and what it means for the horse and human relationship.
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Don’t Shoot Me, I’m Thinking

Don’t Shoot Me, I’m Thinking

Don't Shoot Me, I'm thinking -Tim Jobe explains what happens in our brains when we are confronted with beliefs contrary to ours.
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But I Miss The Caterpillar: My story of transformation and loss

But I Miss The Caterpillar: My story of transformation and loss

Bettina explains how her child helped her understand that secure attachment extends beyond relationships.
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Spiritual Intimacy Grows with Connection through Detachment

Spiritual Intimacy Grows with Connection through Detachment

Natural Lifemanship principles for building connected relationships apply in our spiritual intimacy. Our connected relationship with God grows through connection through detachment.
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Dropping the Saddle: A Case Study About a Boy Seeking Connection

Dropping the Saddle: A Case Study About a Boy Seeking Connection

Dropping the saddle to find a connection. "Oliver realized that his agenda to ride was taking him further away from what he desired most, connection."
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Dollface: An Experience of Connection Over Prejudice

Dollface: An Experience of Connection Over Prejudice

Connection over prejudice, "Our prejudices and fears had been challenged by her self-confidence and insistence that we treat her like a normal horse."
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Genuine Connection in My Relationships: A Personal Experience with Natural Lifemanship

Genuine Connection in My Relationships: A Personal Experience with Natural Lifemanship

Amy share's her personal experience with Natural Lifemanship and genuine connection to herself, a horse, and a community at the 2017 NL Conference.
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Think About It: Natural Lifemanship Applied to Politics

Think About It: Natural Lifemanship Applied to Politics

Rebecca J. Hubbard ponders what politics would be like if political parties applied Natural Lifemanship principles
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Can Animals Consent?

Can Animals Consent?

Sarah Schlote explores the animal's ability to consent and discusses the function of a horse's consent in equine assisted practices.
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What I Learned from My Dog with Attachment Trauma

What I Learned from My Dog with Attachment Trauma

The greatest lesson my dog is teaching me is that building a relationship... doesn’t just take time, it takes intentionality over time.
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Do Horses Seek Leaders or Rewarding Connections?

Do Horses Seek Leaders or Rewarding Connections?

The Natural Lifemanship approach to building relationships between horses and humans is based on the horse's choice of connection.
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Four Reasons Coaches Want Natural Lifemanship

Four Reasons Coaches Want Natural Lifemanship

What does Natural Lifemanship (NL), a model that trains people in trauma-focused equine assisted psychotherapy and equine-assisted trauma informed care...
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How Natural Lifemanship Prevented a 12-Car Pile Up

How Natural Lifemanship Prevented a 12-Car Pile Up

The fundamental principles for all relationships, and the foundation of our Faith, Hope, and Love trauma-informed care learned and honed through the Make Way Partners relationship with Natural Lifemanship.
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When Dissociation Looks Like Cooperation

When Dissociation Looks Like Cooperation

Claire Hunter recounts a story about recognizing the difference between cooperation and dissociation in the relationship with her horse Partner.
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Why Do We Ride Horses in Trauma Focused Equine Assisted Psychotherapy?

Why Do We Ride Horses in Trauma Focused Equine Assisted Psychotherapy?

Riding a horse has benefits that cannot be obtained by other means and is contraindicated when it is not done in a connecting and mutually beneficial way.
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Disorders of Connection

Disorders of Connection

Natural Lifemanship Trainer, Kathleen Choe links addiction to disorders of connection and explains the detriments of those addictions to our brains.
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Living What We Teach

Living What We Teach

Bettina Shultz-Jobe, Co-Founder of Natural Lifemanship, reflects on the challenges of practicing the idealistic principles that Natural Lifemanship teaches.
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Six Signs Your Horse May Be Dissociating or Submitting Rather Than Choosing to Cooperate

Six Signs Your Horse May Be Dissociating or Submitting Rather Than Choosing to Cooperate

Natural Lifemanship trainer Reccia Jobe describes some signs of dissociation and submission to look for in your horse.
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The Journey Back: A Case Study Highlighting One Woman’s Experience Overcoming Traumatic Abuse Using Natural Lifemanship

The Journey Back: A Case Study Highlighting One Woman’s Experience Overcoming Traumatic Abuse Using Natural Lifemanship

Kathleen Choe describes how one client overcame traumatic abuse through Natural Lifemanship and Trauma Focused Equine Assisted Psychotherapy.
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Is Natural Lifemanship Just “Joining Up?”

Is Natural Lifemanship Just “Joining Up?”

The beliefs and intentions of Natural Horsemanship and NL are not the same but both have important places in the world of horses
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Study of Children Riding Horses Suggests Stress is Helpful in Improving Behavior

Study of Children Riding Horses Suggests Stress is Helpful in Improving Behavior

Study suggests that riding horses improved the child’s ability to exercise self-control, but it depended on whether or not a stress response was activated.
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Comfort and Change Don’t Run in the Same Herd

Comfort and Change Don’t Run in the Same Herd

Change does not happen in a state of comfort. If it is more of a problem for the parents than it is for the child, why would the child be invested in changing? 
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Connection in the Face of Resistance. . . Does Connection Really Matter?

Connection in the Face of Resistance. . . Does Connection Really Matter?

How is asking for a connection from a human or horse who seems unwilling and unhappy about giving it still good for the relationship?
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Attachment and Detachment – How Does This Really Look in Session?

Attachment and Detachment – How Does This Really Look in Session?

Allowing the process to unfold organically means attachment and detachment happen in every move that we make within a healthy relationship.
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Creating Brave Spaces

Creating Brave Spaces

Brave spaces help clients clients learn how to take the reins of their life and move forward in ways that are healthy and sustainable.
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Opening Myself to Connection

Opening Myself to Connection

Kathleen Choe describes her first Natural LIfemanship Fundamentals Training that demonstrated connection with the horse through attachment.
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Reflections on NL Fundamentals by J. Alex Hamilton

Reflections on NL Fundamentals by J. Alex Hamilton

Trauma Informed Care is a shift from behavior modification approaches revolving around consequences and rewards, to approaches that focus on building a healthy relationship
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Is Pressure Always a Bad Thing?

Is Pressure Always a Bad Thing?

We engage in this dance of a relationship through moments of pressure – requests made by one to the other.  When it is done appropriately, the pressure is not harmful or frightentening
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Interview with Buck

Interview with Buck

Rhonda Smith of Spirit Reins, a non-profit that provides treatment to children and families who have experienced traumatic events interviews Buck, the main character in the book, The Gift, at his home pasture
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Do-overs: Building new pathways in the brain by intentionally practicing something different – Part 1

Do-overs: Building new pathways in the brain by intentionally practicing something different – Part 1

Do-overs are a chance to correct a behavior, thought, or belief that interferes with the types of relationships we want to have. They are chances to practice something different.
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Buck meets Pip

Buck meets Pip

Buck meets Pip, an Excerpt from Rebecca Hubbard's book, The Gift
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A Second Chance

A Second Chance

A poem by Tim Jobs describing how a connection gave both a man and a horse a Second Chance
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One Sided Relationships

One Sided Relationships

People who do everything they can to meet the needs of their horse but never ask the horse to meet any of their needs.
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The Horse is Not a Mirror!

The Horse is Not a Mirror!

If we assign the role of a mirror to horses we are robbing them of an active status in the relationship.
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It’s not about Leadership, it’s about Relationship.

When leadership becomes a focus, so does power and control.  I appropriately control myself so that the horse can appropriately control himself. That is what a relationship is all about
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