
The Natural Lifemanship® Approach to Horsemanship

What makes our relationships with our equine partners unique?

Here at Natural Lifemanship, the inclusion of equine partners is integral to the work we do. Even more important is how and why we incorporate them into personal and professional development.

It is paramount to the work that we see equines as partners capable of real and authentic relationships. Sentient beings who are not to be controlled, but to be respected, trusted, and loved. Sentient beings who do not benefit from being controlled, but from being seen and valued as individuals and cared for in an attuned way.

Our specific relationship with horses and other equine partners is part of what makes our practice unique. When we speak of the power of connected relationships, this includes our relationships with horses.

The Natural Lifemanship Process

Natural Lifemanship Process

Though many models of horsemanship view the relationship as a hierarchical one, we assert that the most beneficial horse—human relationship comes from a partnership in which each partner chooses to ‘do the right thing’ for the other—because it is the right thing to do. Not out of fear, submission, compliance, or appeasement.

The foundation on which our principles are built

We acknowledge that in the horse world, training techniques have become gentler and more humane over the years. There is far more accountability on behalf of our equine partners—which is a good thing!

However, the underlying principles still reflect the assumption that horses need to be led or dominated by humans.

While much of horsemanship is based on the idea that every horse needs a leader*, we believe that horses are capable of thinking for themselves, if we interact with them in ways that specifically build the part of the brain that is responsible for thinking (the neocortex).

Connected Horsemanship

*Read more about the NL approach to Connected Horsemanship here.

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Our blog

The latest NL News and timeless blogs about connection, transformation, healing, horses and the Natural Lifemanship approach!

The 5 Steps for Repair in a Relationship
The 5 Steps for Repair in a Relationship

By Bettina Shultz-Jobe I recently wrote a blog about how we can build strong connections with ourselves and others through rupture and repair.  Many of us have not had healthy rupture and repair modeled in our lives and are, therefore, just beginning the journey of...

NL Team Member Spotlight: Kate Naylor
NL Team Member Spotlight: Kate Naylor

“The artful balance that Kate brings to everything she does is truly something to behold.  Whether she is teaching, facilitating, writing, “friending,” or mothering, she is the embodiment of how one can simultaneously listen with and speak from the head, heart, body,...

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