Sacred Landscapes
Sunrise Summit Online
Recordings are now available
“The sun will rise and set regardless. What we choose to do with the light while it’s here is up to us. Journey wisely.”
– Alexandra Elle
Sunrise is a powerful symbol of new beginnings and laying a bright, warm foundation for the day ahead. As we look forward to our Sacred Landscapes conference in November, we cannot overlook how important it is to lay a solid foundation for what we’ll learn together.
With that in mind, we are thrilled to invite you to join us for Sacred Landscapes: Sunrise Summit Online, happening October 13-14.
Sunrise Summit is both an exclusive online prelude to the in-person Sacred Landscapes conference AND a powerful standalone event that will provide you with tailored content to enhance your practice – whether or not you can attend Sacred Landscapes in person.
Join us and engage with outstanding speakers as well as your community of peers from the comfort of home!

Speaker Lineup
During Sunrise Summit Online, we will explore many themes and therapeutic modalities, including place, space, movement, building your business and more. And we’ll delve into how our powerful relationship with horses enhances it all.
Here’s a look at the schedule for our two days together. To view the full schedule with session descriptions, click here.
Day 1
9:30: Opening Ceremony: We’ll gather, connect and prepare for our time together with the Darling Daughters.
10:00: Break
10:30: Keynote: ReWilding the Psyche: The Transformative Power of Earth’s Landscapes with Mary Reynolds Thompson
12:00: Lunch
1:00: Breakout Sessions
- A Welcoming Practice: Creating a Space and Place for Clients, Equines, and Providers to Thrive with Beverly Walsh
- Research on the Benefits of Horses Satisfying Attachment Deficits and Depression with Dana Kasper
2:30: Break
3:00: Breakout Sessions
- Home on the Ranch, 23 Years Lessons Learned in an EAS Practice with Cynthia Rank-Ballas
- Our Internal Tribe: The Internal Voices Formed Through our Identity Development and Family Messages with Carol Joy Hollis-White
4:30: Break
5:00: Breakouts
- Building the Business of Your Dreams with Your Heart, Your Soul and Your Mind with Shannon Knapp
- Exploring the Framework of Healing Stories: How to Gently Guide Unfolding Stories Toward Positive Change with Bill Woodburn
Are you attending the Sacred Landscapes Conference in November? If so, the session with Bill will provide important foundational concepts that will guide your experiential learning on site with him. We encourage you to attend live or watch the recording of this session before attending Sacred Landscapes.
Remember – all sessions will be recorded and shared with ticket holders, so even though you can only attend one live, you’ll have access to both presentations in each time slot until February 10th, 2024. *CE’s are only available for live attendance.
Day 2
9:30: Our community will gather, connect and prepare for the day, together!
10:00: Break
10:30: Keynote: The Origins of Movement and Repatterning of Motor Skills to Support Transformation and Healing with Mark Taylor
Are you attending the Sacred Landscapes Conference in November? If so, Mark’s session provides important foundational concepts that will guide your experiential learning on site with him. We encourage you to attend live or watch the recording of this session before attending Sacred Landscapes.
12:00: Lunch
1:00: Breakout Sessions
- Processing Traumatic Memories: A Principle-Based Introduction to an Embodied and Multi-Modal Approach with Bettina Shultz-Jobe
- Integrating the Internal Landscape for External Connection: Utilizing Rhythm, the 8 Beat Cycles, Interoception, and Energy to Create a Safe and Sacred Space for Healing with Fritzi G. Strowmatt
Are you attending the Sacred Landscapes Conference in November? If so, the session with Bettina will provide important foundational concepts that will guide your experiential learning on site. We encourage you to attend live or watch the recording of this session before attending Sacred Landscapes.
2:30: Break
3:00: Breakout Sessions
- Neither Here Nor There: Supporting Immigrants through EAS as They Find a Sense of Place in a New Land with Kathleen Choe
- Changing the World One Relationship at a Time: Advocacy & Systemic Change Thru A Relational Lens with Sara Sherman
5:00: Keynote: As Little As Necessary, As Much As Needed: A Discussion of Intentional, Principle Based Equine Care with Tim and Tanner Jobe, with Kate Naylor
6:40: Closing Ceremony with the Darling Daughters
7:00: Adjourn
Remember – all sessions will be recorded and shared with ticket holders, so even though you can only attend one live, you’ll have access to both presentations in each time slot until February 10th, 2024. CE’s are only available for live attendance.
Get Access to Recordings
Get recordings of all 17 sessions
- Access to all 17 sessions of Sunrise Summit Online including keynotes, breakouts and opening and closing sessions.
- Recordings of all sessions, available until February 10, 2024.
- Recordings of four live keynote sessions at the Sacred Landscapes conference.