Week 1 of 8
- Introduction
- Origins of Natural Lifemanship
- Our paradigm
- Trauma and brain development (Session 1 of 2)
- Q&A
- Building connection through attachment
- Connection in the face of resistance
- When two cultures collide
- Office hours (Session 1 of 3)
Week 2 of 8
- Trauma and brain development (Session 2 of 2)
- Building connection through detachment
- Attachment and detachment in your sessions
- Spiritual intimacy grows with connection through detachment (optional)
- But I miss the caterpillar (optional)
- Animal welfare issues are clinical issues
- Difference between setting boundaries and having boundaries
- Preparing for your practical assignment
Week 3 of 8
- Bottom up regulation
- Connecting with your body
- Ways to increase pressure and body energy
- The use of tools
- Case Studies on the use of tools
- This too shall pass
- Assignment: Submit video #1
Week 4 of 8
- NL is Secure Attachment in Action
- “What does that mean?” An Empathetic Approach to Observing Horse Behavior
- Haltering with connection
- What if the horse doesn’t consent to the session
- Horse arousal continuum
Week 5 of 8
- Why Horses? The answer to this question is EVERYTHING!
- Support versus rescue
- What does it really mean to do attachment work?
- Office hours (Session 2 of 3)
Week 6 of 8
- Preparing for your practical assignment follow up video
- Preparing Horse and Client for (mounted) Trauma Processing
- Why do we Ride Horses in Trauma Focused Equine Assisted Psychotherapy?
Week 7 of 8
- Trauma Informed Care is for Everyone
- Role of the EP in Natural Lifemanship therapy sessions
- Ethics specific to this work
- Qualified to counsel
Week 8 of 8
- Three Group Consultation Recordings: Compelling Case Studies
- Submit your final video by the end of week 8 and receive feedback by the end of week 10
- Office hours (Session 3 of 3)