
Natural Lifemanship®
Quiz Results

Results - Trainings

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We believe the most direct path to reaching your personal and professional goals is through our unique suite of trainings.

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The latest NL News and timeless blogs about connection, transformation, healing, horses and the Natural Lifemanship approach!

The 5 Steps for Repair in a Relationship
The 5 Steps for Repair in a Relationship

By Bettina Shultz-Jobe I recently wrote a blog about how we can build strong connections with ourselves and others through rupture and repair.  Many of us have not had healthy rupture and repair modeled in our lives and are, therefore, just beginning the journey of...

NL Team Member Spotlight: Kate Naylor
NL Team Member Spotlight: Kate Naylor

“The artful balance that Kate brings to everything she does is truly something to behold.  Whether she is teaching, facilitating, writing, “friending,” or mothering, she is the embodiment of how one can simultaneously listen with and speak from the head, heart, body,...

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