
Natural Lifemanship® Online Courses

Grow your knowledge, earn CE credits, and evolve your practice

You desire to expand your knowledge and grow your practice, however, a full training program is beyond your capacity.

Are you an NL Member?
View your free courses and videos here.

View courses for purchase with your membership discount here.

Our online stand-alone courses provide you with the opportunity to learn at a pace that works around your schedule with the guidance and expertise of our seasoned professionals.

Choose the courses that resonate with you, get to know us, earn CE credits, and watch your practice grow.

NL Featured Course:

Introducing NL for Groups

Easy and effective methods for incorporating NL principles into a variety of group settings.

Free for members, $49 for non-members.


Browse our library of courses that are currently available for purchase

Choose from hundreds of hours of highly educational content that you can apply to both your personal and professional life.

New content is added periodically—
be sure to return for the latest in Equine Assisted Services and trauma-informed care.

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