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Austin Area, Liberty Hill, Georgetown, Cedar Park, Leander, AustinTexas512-548-0551reccia@pecancreekeap.comReccia is an expert equine professional in the Natural Lifemanship model. She is dedicated to helping individuals and families end destructive relational patterns that create generational trauma in families and societies. She is also dedicated to influencing change in the way people view their relationships with animals and nature. Reccia is focused on life-long learning and growth in these areas and in her personal relationships, as a means for better living and improved therapeutic experiences for her clients. She enjoys finding new avenues for integrating Natural Lifemanship principles and her knowledge of brain development into therapy sessions, her own relationships, and life in general. She loves the challenge and excitement of connecting with and training others in the Natural Lifemanship model. While all of this is work is meaningful and serious, she intentionally adds lightness and humor to therapy sessions and trainings to bring a brightened perspective to this fascinating therapeutic process. In addition to co-facilitating trainings and TF-EAP sessions, she conducts equine assisted personal growth and development sessions, and consults and trains individuals to improve their relationships with their own horses. She co-owns Global Equine Services for Professionals which runs workshops, therapy sessions, and retreats at their NL dedicated facility, Pecan Creek Ranch in Georgetown, TX. Reccia contributes regularly to the Natural Lifemanship blog and uses her educational background to assist with marketing.
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NLC-P,EP; NL Trainer
Austin Area, Liberty Hill, Georgetown, Cedar Park, Leander, Austin

Natural Lifemanship Trainer, Practitioner, Equine Professional.
Co-founder, co-owner. CEO, EP at Pecan Creek Ranch in Salado, TX.
Practice: TF-EAP, Connected Horsemanship, Personal Growth Coaching for children ages 3 & up, and adults.
Experience in both residential and private practice, juvenile justice, ropes course facilitation, wilderness and other types of experiential growth and learning.
Practicing NL for over 10 yrs. and EAP for 15. Worked with over 20 mental health professionals as an EP, learning from them and guiding them in their application of NL and trauma-informed practices in experiential growth & learning.
Available for consultation for equine professionals, coaches, and anyone looking to understand more about how to integrate NL into their work with people and horses.
Occasionally, work with individuals to repair ruptures in their relationships with their horses after accidents or long periods of inattentiveness or disconnection.

Natural Lifemanship Trainer
Certified Life Coach
Training Includes:
ACC Challenge Course Facilitator training
Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics