Kate Naylor
Director of Trainer Development and Community Engagement

“I delight in being me delighting in being with you delighting in being yourself.” – Source Unknown
As a nature-based therapist, NL trainer, former school teacher, and horsewoman, Kate believes strongly in our interconnectedness—our own mind/body/soul as well our connection with others and the larger web of life.
Since beginning her journey with Natural Lifemanship in 2014, Kate has grown more and more inspired by the transformational work of Trauma-Focused Equine Assisted Psychotherapy. Her life-long experiences in various equestrian disciplines, and her clinical background in neurobiology, family systems, and trauma merged into a career that Kate is passionate about.
Kate’s purpose is to offer the kind of relationship that allows others to embrace their full humanity. She combines psychodrama, movement, nature, systems theory, and horses to create an environment where clients and trainees can experience presence, authenticity, and embodied change.

Get to know Kate.
- Natural Lifemanship clinician, trainer, and author
- Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
- Certified Natural Lifemanship Clinician and Equine Professional
- A life-long horsewoman who is still waiting for a pony of her very own!
- Wife, mother, novice baker